Thursday, February 16, 2012

This momma is being given a GOOD run for her patience. . .

You could definitely say that we have been blessed with a happy, easy-going child. I had a wonderful pregnancy that I thoroughly enjoyed (and quite often miss!) and the past year has been the best in my life! On that note, I've never really had to worry about much with Madden, with the exception of his upcoming surgery. He never spit up, he breastfed VERY well until he weaned himself (how lucky is that?) at 10.5 months, he sleeps in his crib all night long with the exception of every-now-and-then sleepovers with momma and daddy, no allergic reactions, not a picky eater, no diaper rashes, and no sicknesses other than the occasional common cold. He's just an all-around easy baby. He plays well by himself as well as with others. I could go on and on about him and the blessing he has been to us, but there is not enough time in the day, nor space on this blogspot.

Lately though, I guess since the beginning of January, he has started having some of these issues. He developed a slight diaper rash the week before his 1st birthday. Mind you, that was one whole month ago. It has progressively gotten worse. On January 25, which was his one year check-up, Dr. Huggins stated that it was not a yeast infection and was possibly something from his diet. She made no prescriptions because it really wasn't that bad...just a little red. Also, during that appointment she found that he had a double ear infection. We gave him the meds as prescribed, but he's still picking at them.

Also, I've been lucky enough for him to grace me with his poop all over himself and his crib TWICE in one week. Yep, I just had my second round with it and THIS time I was alone. Yuck. That's really all I have to say about it. The last time it happened I was very easily able to laugh it off. This time, though, was a different story. I stripped him down and put him in the tub. After I got him all cleaned up and went to put his diaper on, I noticed his rash is the worst it's been. It's RAW. It looks like he's been burned. :( I have tried everything that everyone has suggested to me but nothing has worked. I've returned his diet back to basics and still no change.

I gave Dr. Huggins a call and they want to see him this afternoon. Along with his ears still bothering him and his diaper rash being horrible, he's also developed a really bad cough (which I'm sure is just another cold), but oh how I feel for him, especially because of his other ailments he has going on. Our baby went from easy-breezy to Needy Petey in .5 seconds!

On a good note, he has been exceptionally good, behavior-wise. He doesn't fuss or whine about anything which makes me feel better knowing that he's not in pain. Did I mention he's cutting his molars too? I guess I'm just making up for all the not fun times I missed in the past year. Haha.

And believe me when I say that I KNOW things could be much, much worse. I'm not complaining at all, I just find this whole experience to be quite humbling. There is no such thing as a perfect child but if I had to I'd say that ours is pretty close. I've learned a LOT in the past month. I feel this is more a test from God on myself rather than Madden. The good Lord knows I'm impatient and a bit of a control freak. I know this is His way of letting me know that I am not the one in control...He is. Things will not always be perfect and I need to count my blessings DAILY and be grateful that his issues are all something that can be cured, and of that I am ABSOLUTELY grateful for. (I'm also EXTREMELY grateful that this second time around with the poop in the crib that there were ZERO traces of it on his face! LOL!)

So I just thought that I would give you a laugh at my expense. ;)

So, of to the doctor's office we go! Wish us luck and pray for our sweet child.

Blessings, hugs, & kisses!