Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Madden Luke : 19 Months Old

I have been terrible and haven't posted an update on my sweet boy since February! I am now changing that fact. :) Enjoy!

Shown wearing his Uncle Bubba's (Amp's) Stink Bait tshirt ;)

Age: 19 months

Height: 34.5" (95th percentile!)

Weight: 29.2 lbs (90th percentile!)

Milestones: Nothing specific was established this month except that he learned to lie down on his back in the bathtub and "float". He loves doing that! Such a water baby. ;)

Sleep: Since he was 6 months old, he has been a wonderful sleeper. . .through the night and everything! Here lately? Not so much. :( He's been waking up after only being asleep for 2 or 3 hours and it wanting nothing more than to play. This makes for a very grouchy mommy and daddy the next morning. :-/

Best Moment: This will sound horrible but he is going through his "separation anxiety" stage and clings to me when he thinks I'm going to leave him. :( I know it's sad but it's also a bittersweet feeling to know he wants to be with me.

Worst Moment: This is contradicting, but when he cries for me when I do actually leave him. :( He just started doing this lately. So sad. :( It's even sadder when JR leaves for work. We ball right along with him.

Health: Super healthy baby boy! Growing like a weed and very, very tall for his age! He didn't get that from us. ;)

Eating: Loves food! Now that, I'd say he inherited from Mom and Dad. Hee hee! But he's also having some food allergies that we are checking into soon!

Teeth: All baby teeth are in! I'm pretty sure he's getting an early start on those 2 year old molars though. Fun stuff!

Extra Comments: Madden is as cuddly and lovable as he was the day he was born. He melts my heart in every way and is the brightest part of our day. We love you, turkey!