Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pregnancy Journal: 11 weeks!

Baby Arreguin #2 is on his/her way! :)

How far along: Almost 11 weeks!

Maternity clothes: Not any tops, but I've definitely already pulled out some of my "comfy" pants. If I could get away with wearing them outside of pregnancy, I would! ;)

Best moment this week: We (mommy, daddy, and big brother) got to hear your precious heartbeat! Wonderfully, amazing music to our ears. :)

Miss Anything: Caffeine! Oh, how I miss my lattes.

Movement: Not yet, but I'm super excited about it! I hear that you feel 2nd timers earlier than 1st babies.

Food cravings: Nothing particular. Mostly sweets though. :-/ No bueno.

Anything making you queasy or sick: No just comes from out of nowhere. I've noticed if I have an empty stomach or if I've eaten too much that will do the trick, also.

Have you started to show yet: Just a bloated "bump".

Gender: Don't know yet! December 1 is the day! :)

Labor Signs: Not yet!

Belly Button in or out: Definitely in.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Hmm..that's a tough one. If you ask my dear husband he'd probably agree on the latter. ;)

Looking forward to: Feeling you move and finding out if Madden will have a baby brother or sister to play with! :) 

I'll have to post a pic of daddy next time! :)