Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pregnancy Journal: 14 weeks 3 days!

How far along: 14 weeks 3 days!

Maternity clothes: I'm into a few borrowed things, but can still wear a lot of my non-pregnancy clothes.

Best moment this week: I felt my first flutters and nudges! That feeling will never grow old. Baby looooves when momma eats a bite of something...(s)he goes bananas! I love it! :) I also lost 2 lbs this week! Definitely a "best moment". :) And the heart rate was 159!

Miss Anything: I've allowed myself some caffeine now that I'm past the 12 week mark so I'm not missing that anymore. ;) I've craved a lot of salads and I looove me some Ceaser dressing. So I'm definitely missing that.

Movement: Yep!

Food cravings: Grilled chicken salads, fried pickles, and Coca-Cola. What a mix, huh.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Queasiness has settled some but still lingers here and there. If I eat too much, too quickly, or too little I'll get sick. Still haven't quite found that "balance".

Have you started to show yet: I'm definitely rockin' a bump nowadays. ^

Gender: Don't know yet! December 1 is the day! Just two and a half more weeks! Eeeekk!

Labor Signs: Not yet!

Belly Button in or out: Definitely in.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still a mixture. I'm always happy, but those mood swings can come out to play anytime. ;)

Looking forward to: finding out whether Madden has a baby brother or sister on the way!