Sunday, February 10, 2013

Pregnancy Journal: 27 weeks 1 day

How far along: 27 weeks 1 day! Heart rate was 155 bpm. :)

Maternity clothes: Yep! HUGE belly, once again, no matter that I've taken better care of myself this time around. Guess I just know how to grow huge babies, lol.

Best moment this month: Entering into my 3rd Trimester! I'm on my last leg and cannot wait to meet this little guy! :)

Miss Anything: Hmm...YES. Lol! But I wouldn't trade my uncomfortableness for anything!

Movement: Definitely! I'm growing a strong little booger and at 7 months he's taking some painful shots at me. Hope it's no indication of the little rascal he may or may not be! ;)

Food cravings: I had the strangest/grossest craving for our old high school BBQ sandwich. :-/

Anything making you queasy or sick: My stomach is now officially in my lungs so I can't eat a whole lot at one time or its a sure-fire way to have me huggin' the porcelain throne!

Have you started to show yet: YES and I'm not sure my "bump" can get any bigger! *knock on wood*

Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! Madden Luke is going to be a big brother to Tegan Allen!

Labor Signs: Yes! For the past couple of weeks I've been having sporadic contractions. I never had one sign or pain with Madden but things are different this time around!

Belly Button in or out: In/Out, lol.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy...most of the time. ;)

Looking forward to: spending these last months with my sweet Madden as an only child. :)