Monday, March 11, 2013

Pregnancy Journal: 30 weeks 3 days!

How far along: 30 weeks 3 days! Heart rate was 152 bpm and we set our Csection date for May 7! We are also heading to the Dr. every two weeks now. :)

Maternity clothes: Definitely!

Best moment this month: I had several! I passed my glucose test with a lovely 117! We had the BEST time taking pictures with Alyssa Massingill. We also had a wonderful shower given by our family and friends that made for a fun afternoon. We are so very blessed!

Miss Anything: My stomach and back both miss the mattress, lol.

Movement: He never STOPS! I just thought Madden was really active...Tegan is waaay more energetic!

Food cravings: Nothing really...just when I think of something I want, I reeeaaally want it.

Anything making you queasy or sick: I have been sick with nausea/cold symptoms this past week and am hoping those go away soon! :-(

Have you started to show yet: YES!

Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! Madden Luke is going to be a big brother to Tegan Allen!

Labor Signs: Yes! Having Braxton Hicks contractions on a daily basis. My body is gearing up for something its not going to have to do...if only it understood that, lol.

Belly Button in or out: In/Out, lol.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: getting Tegan's bedding in! :)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Pregnancy Journal: 27 weeks 1 day

How far along: 27 weeks 1 day! Heart rate was 155 bpm. :)

Maternity clothes: Yep! HUGE belly, once again, no matter that I've taken better care of myself this time around. Guess I just know how to grow huge babies, lol.

Best moment this month: Entering into my 3rd Trimester! I'm on my last leg and cannot wait to meet this little guy! :)

Miss Anything: Hmm...YES. Lol! But I wouldn't trade my uncomfortableness for anything!

Movement: Definitely! I'm growing a strong little booger and at 7 months he's taking some painful shots at me. Hope it's no indication of the little rascal he may or may not be! ;)

Food cravings: I had the strangest/grossest craving for our old high school BBQ sandwich. :-/

Anything making you queasy or sick: My stomach is now officially in my lungs so I can't eat a whole lot at one time or its a sure-fire way to have me huggin' the porcelain throne!

Have you started to show yet: YES and I'm not sure my "bump" can get any bigger! *knock on wood*

Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! Madden Luke is going to be a big brother to Tegan Allen!

Labor Signs: Yes! For the past couple of weeks I've been having sporadic contractions. I never had one sign or pain with Madden but things are different this time around!

Belly Button in or out: In/Out, lol.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy...most of the time. ;)

Looking forward to: spending these last months with my sweet Madden as an only child. :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Pregnancy Journal: 22 weeks 3 days!

Hey, y'all! I stayed so busy during the holidays that I never got around to doing one at 18 weeks, so I'm a couple of months behind. Here we are at 22 weeks and 3 days! 

How far along: 22 weeks 3 days! Heart rate at the appointment today was 151 bpm and my tummy was measuring a perfect 22 cm! Things are moving along just as they should. :)

Maternity clothes: I'm mostly into maternity clothes now, but can still get away with a few other pieces. ;)

Best moment this month: Since my last post at 14 weeks, I've definitely had lots of "best moments"! The best ones yet have been that our precious boy is just as active as ever and STRONG! Those flips, kicks, and punches are unmistakable and not only can I feel those sweet moves, but so can everyone else. :)

Miss Anything: For sure, sleeping on my stomach! My Snoogle has been a lifesaver though.

Movement: Yep!

Food cravings: I've craved Starbucks since I've gone darn near 6 months without it! I finally caved and got me a 1/2 decaf, 1/2 regular Vanilla Spice Latte...sooo worth it. ;)

Anything making you queasy or sick: The morning sickness is pretty much gone now. I've had a couple of episodes in the last couple of months, but it's finally taking a much appreciated hike.

Have you started to show yet: I'm definitely rockin' a bump nowadays.

Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! Madden Luke is going to be a big brother to Tegan Allen!

Labor Signs: Not yet!

Belly Button in or out: In.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still a mixture. I'm always happy, but those mood swings can come out to play anytime. ;)

Looking forward to: decorating the nursery and getting the few things we need. Any time is a good time to shop for my babies. ;)