Friday, June 24, 2011

Hoping to get my point across. . .

I really hate to get all negative, especially since this is only my second post...but I feel what I have to say is neccessary.

First, let me begin by saying that I am not knocking anyone's advice when it comes to Madden. In fact, J.R. and I need all the advice we can get. Afterall, what new parents don't? What I am saying is that giving us your advice is one thing...but insisting your way over ours is another when it comes to raising our children.

Everyone that has children is given the chance to raise them however they choose and see fit. And, with that being said, J.R. and I have our own visions of what and how we would like to do that. I'm not appologizing if you have a problem with the way we are raising Madden. We do what our doctors suggest as far as health goes. Things ARE different than they were 20, 30, even 40 years ago. Scientific research is performed to PROVE how good or bad things are for our kids. It is BEYOND aggravating to hear people say that doctors don't know what they're talking about. If a doctor came to your with life threatening news, I'm sure you'd buck up and pay attention. It is no different to me when it comes to listening to what is in Madden's best interest. Whenever my children are grown and begin to have children of their own, I VOW to respect their desires in what or what not they choose to do when raising their kids. As I said before, I am not saying that we do not want your advice...we NEED it if anything. I'm only referring to those that INSIST on their way being the correct way over ours or even a doctors. It's your opinion and that's fine. I understand that people have been having babies since Adam and Eve, and that your child turned out just fine in the way that you raised them. But, if new, BETTER ways have been discovered then that's the way we're likely to choose and we ask that you respect our decision to do so.

On this note...YES, Madden is breastfed. And, YES, he will continue to be until he is ONE year old. There is absolutely no since in putting him on formula when he can't have cow's milk until he is a year old. I suggest you do some research on the benefits of breastfeeding. It's the BEST thing for moms and babies. We are human NOT cows, so it only makes since to give your baby what's intended for them. It has all the nutrients that babies need, it's 87% water, so there's that, and it gives them all of their mother's antibodies so that it becomes extremely difficult for them to become ill. I understand that some women are not able to breatfeed and some even choose not to and that is perfectly fine. You do what you  think is best for your baby...afterall that is the point of this partcuilar post.

And thirdly, YES Madden is a big baby. I've never in my life seen a near 3 foot long and 22 pound 5 month old! BUT, that also doesn't make his INSIDES anymore ready for something that a normal 5 month old baby isn't ready for. His outsides might look a year old, but his insides are not. And, because he is big, why would I want to shove other things into his mouth that he's not ready for? He's OBVIOUSLY getting all that he needs, wouldn't you say?

Now, with all of that being said, I'm nowhere near admitting that I'm a "know-it-all" or anything of the sort. I need help just as much as the next "new mom", but I do know one thing...and that is that I know what I want for my children...the very BEST. We are doing our very best to raise healthy, sweet, God fearing children. You had your chance to raise your children the way that you choose/chose...give us ours. :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Baby Madden

What better way to begin blogging than to talk about the most recent happiest day of our lives...the arrival of our sweet baby, Madden Luke. Let's start from the beginning, shall we? :)

Most of you know that Madden was a very BIG baby. My entire pregnancy was a breeze though. I joke all the time that my next pregnancy may do me in because I had no problems with this pregnancy, except for the occasional heartburn and swollen ankles. I had no idea I was carrying around a 10 pounder. I personally thought I was having a large baby, but due to the fact that I knew so many people that looked as if they were going to have whoppers and only having given birth to average weight babies had me second guessing myself.

My belly was HUGE, to say the least. I had belly pictures taken in November when I was 7 months along, but looked as if I was due any day. My due date was January 21, but I just KNEW I wouldn't last that long...there was no way! Even everybody in our family was betting that I'd go into labor in December. I kept getting asked if I were having the little "twitches", or braxton hicks. I think I tricked myself into thinking I was, but in actually reality I never had any. I don't think my body was ever going to prepare to give birth.

By the time January 11th rolled around, I was headed for my second to last appoitment. I was a little over 38 weeks and my doctor was just about to send me on my way, as usual. I thought it was very strange considering how big I was. I was 38 weeks and hadn't made any change since the last appointment. So, I had to ask how he felt about induction. He said he was all for it, but there was no medical need for it. He said I had to wait until I was 39 weeks, due to new hospital regulations. I would have been 39 weeks that same Friday, but he didn't induce on weekends. Therefore, he made me wait until the following Wednesday, only TWO days before my due date!

I had to go in for a last minute check-up just to make sure everything was a go. I still had no change and hadn't had any contractions at all. There's no telling how much longer my body would have endured that pregnancy OR how much bigger Madden would have been!

I went in, as scheduled on January 19 at 6 am. They immediately began the process. I knew then with that first contraction, even though is was very mild, that I had never felt that before. 8 am rolled around and my doctor came in to break my water. I labored for 6 more hours and finally asked for some relief. They gave me Stadol, amazing stuff! I was embarrasingly drunk from it. I had been in labor for 8 hours but was hysterically laughing my tail off! I remember 10 plus people in the room and all I could do was laugh...I'm still embarrased and they're still laughing. Needless to say, that wonder drug WORKED. :)

Around 3 pm, I was given my Epidural. Wonder drug #2. Around 5:30 pm, my doctor came and checked me, but I was only at a 4. He told me he was going to give me a couple more hours and then if there was still no change, he was going to take the baby. He said there was no sense in me laboring all night long to deliver what he knew was a large baby. Then he just left me there pretty much HOPING I would have no change. All I could imagine was giving birth to a whopper of a baby, and I'm sure you can imagine what all that entailed. Finally, around 7 pm he came back in, and just as I had thought, there was no change. 12 hours passed and NO does that happen?!

I suddenly became very aware and very scared about what was about to happen. Also, I knew I was only minutes away from becoming a mommy. While J.R. was getting dressed in his proper attire, I was getting hugs and kisses from family as they took me back to prep for surgery. I remember barely being able to keep my eyes open I was so out of it from the drugs. J.R. stared at me the entire time, NEVER taking his eyes off mine.

Finally, I hear Dr. Vineyard say, "Oh, wow! We've got us a Linebacker, Dad!" J.R.'s eyes lit up. I was choking back tears as I heard my baby cry for the first time...the most beautiful sound I've every heard! As I was getting stitched back up, they took the baby to be weighed. J.R. came running back in yelling, "He's ten pounds, one and a half ounces!! And babe, he's got your hair!" :' )

Afterwards, I had to go back into recovery for an hour without my husband OR my baby. :( That was the worst part of it all! When I was finally out and in my room, I heard the little wheels on the cart coming down the hall. Our poor baby was starving! I worried my whole pregnancy that I would have nursing problems, but Madden knew exactly what to do. That was the most precious moment of my life! God has blessed me with the most loving husband and most precious baby. I am so utterly grateful for the family He has given me. I don't know where I'd be without them! God knows my heart's desires and has been so abudant in fulfilling them. Thank You, Lord...thank YOU!