Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sweet child of mine. . .turns 1 today!

Happy 1st Birthday, Madden Luke!

Exactly one year ago today I was in labor and delivery just hours away from meeting our most precious gift from Above. At 7:58 pm, our lives forever changed and we are eternally grateful for the impact you have had on us. 

I love this picture. We stayed at the hospital with you from Wednesday night until Sunday morning. You were a tad Jaundice and had lost over 10% of your birthweight due to my milk not coming in quick enough to have a big enough supply for a 10 lber! And Saturday night it was in and overnight you gained your weight back and we got the O.K. to go home! Due to me having to have a c-section, I wasn't of much help those first few days. Your daddy did everything but feed you (even though you tried! such a hungry "little" guy!). 

And here we are, FINALLY getting to take you home, sweet, home!

Your first bath! You loooove the water and getting your head washed. :)

More precious moments with daddy.

(Insert tears and smiles here.)

Precious grin!

All dressed up and ready for church!

Did I mention you love to eat? You can see the ring around your mouth and clearly you've got the perfect full belly to snuggle up and take a nap.

You rolled over at 2 months and played just like the picture above at 3 months. :)

No caption needed. :)

Oh, how this picture makes me laugh! You are just the cutest, chubbiest thing...I love it! (1st Easter)

It's the funnest thing getting to dress you up. Little boy clothes are so much like big man clothes! Lol.

All tuckered out...and getting so big!

Lookin' good, Madd! ;)

Another Sunday at Church!

Such sweetness. . .


Is this not the funniest thing?!


First trip to the Houston Zoo!

Silly boy!

Mealtime messies!

My handsome man!

Those first pearly whites!

Just tricking us into thinking you would walk early. ;)

Water baby!

You were a T Bird for your first costume contest at the Cushing Carnival! You got 3rd place after Huckleberry Finn & Cinderella. :)

You sure do love those puppies!

This outfit would be all your daddy's doings.

Love it!

Your first lollipop. Let's just say you were wired for the next 2 hours or so. Lol.

You were a Rockstar for your first Halloween!

You love Duffy, but Duffy doesn't love you. You like to pull his tail. :)

The cutest smile!

You loved Santa!

So big now! & still so cute!

Being a one year old is tough work.

One year old today...I still can't believe it! This picture is after your first haircut...and yes, I kept the curls. :)
And don't worry, your daddy said, "Curls for the girls." So we left some. ;)


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